We are charged with researching, monitoring and adjusting curriculum to align with state standards; with ensuring that rigorous and effective instruction is provided to our students; and with making appropriate auxiliary services available to students, such as remedial education, special education, nursing, social work, and/or home teaching.
All of our efforts are focused on student achievement. Our staff collects and studies assessment data and uses it to adjust curriculum and/or instruction. District needs in curriculum and instruction are constantly evaluated. Our Comprehensive District Education Plan is the tool we use for assessing needs and developing strategies for improving student achievement.
Often these needs are addressed through professional development for our teachers. Training is on-going and is offered through district-sponsored classes, BOCES workshops, and other venues. An extensive mentoring program for first-year teachers is also provided.
The integration of curriculum and technology is another area of responsibility. Our technology integration specialist examines software and web-based programs that aid or enhance instruction and trains teachers in their use. Every New York State school district is required to have a technology plan, and our district's commitment to educational technology is evidenced in every classroom and media center.