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Lancaster Central School District

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2024 Water Testing

Chapter 296 of the Laws of 2016 enacted amendments to NYS Public Health Law requiring all school districts to test all potable water outlets for lead contamination, to remediate contamination where found, and to notify parents of children and the public of test results. On September 6, 2016, the New York State Department of Health issued regulations on water testing and remediation. The district tested every five years, initially in 2016 and then in 2020.   2022 revisions to the Public Health Law (PHL) reduced the lead action level in drinking water from 15 parts per billion (ppb) to 5 ppb and reduced the compliance testing cycle to a triennial (every 3 years) schedule. The first compliance testing period is 2023-2025 under the revised PHL. Schools must conduct first-draw tap testing at all applicable outlets between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2025. Schools shall continue to collect compliance samples at least every 3 years thereafter or at an earlier time as determined by the Commissioner. 

Under the testing plan, every potable outlet used for drinking water or food preparation must be tested, utilizing the "first-draw" method, whereby water samples are taken from a cold-water outlet where the water has been motionless in the pipes for a period of 8-18 hours.

Once results are reported by the testing lab, they will be posted on our website, as well as an outline of prescribed steps for remediation, if necessary. Please be assured that the health and well-being of our students and staff is our highest priority.

Here are some online resources to learn more about lead in drinking water and its potential impact:

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