The District believes that classroom participation is related to and affects a student’s performance and grasp of the subject matter and, as such, is properly reflected in a student’s final grade. For the purposes of this policy, classroom participation means that a student is in class and prepared to work. Consequently, for each marking period a certain percentage of a student’s final quarterly grade will be based on classroom participation as well as the student’s performance on homework, tests, papers, projects, etc., as determined by the building administrator and/or classroom teacher.
At all grade levels, a student must be in attendance a minimum of 85% of the total school days. At the K-6 level, parents can expect that excessive absences will be reflected in the student’s grades.
Individual building handbooks will detail other sanctions.
At the high school level, the 85% requirement means that:
In a full-year, one-credit course, a student must not be absent from class more than 28 days;
In a half-year, one-half credit course, a student must not be absent from class for more than 14 days;
In physical education and health courses, a student must not be absent from class more than 14 times per semester;
In courses with scheduled labs, e.g., science classes, a student must not be absent from class/lab for more than 38 class periods;
Absence (lateness or early departure) from class for more than 50% of class time will be considered a full period of absence.
Once a student exceeds the attendance standards in any course as specified above, he/she will not take any remaining exams/tests or submit papers, projects, etc. for grades necessary to receive credit for that course regardless of the student’s performance on prior tests, exams, or other graded work. The student shall continue to attend the class unless suspended; if he/she drops the class, he/she will not be eligible to retake the class in summer school.
For District-approved summer school, the 85% minimum attendance requirement is also mandated; in addition, transfer students and students re-enrolling after having dropped out will be expected to attend a prorated 85% attendance of the scheduled class meetings.