Board of Education
The Lancaster Central School District Board of Education consists of seven members, elected at-large, by the voters of the district at the annual meeting. Each member is elected for a three-year term. The term of office of at least one board member expires annually.The powers of the board are derived from the state constitution, laws of New York State, and rulings of the State Commissioner of Education.
The general duties of the board are to adopt policies for the school system, provide adequate means for executing them, and ensure they are executed efficiently.
The specific duties of the board are:
- to appoint a superintendent of schools, and support him in the discharge of his duties.
- upon the superintendent's recommendation, to appoint staff; authorize textbooks and general courses of study; approve changes in curriculum; extend, adjust or curtail educational program; act upon plans for buildings and additions; and decide steps to be taken in legal matters.
- to approve the school budget; adopt salary schedules; provide for building or site improvements and purchase of property, and determine the means for financing them; authorize contracts and leases required for school programs.
- to present the needs of the district to the public and receive communication from citizens or organizations on matters of policy.
- to determine staff and student disciplinary cases as legally required.
- to visit the schools periodically to gain a better understanding of the types and quality of instruction.
- to require reports of the superintendent concerning progress of the school district, and other reports that are essential to the best interest of the school system.
Contact the board of education at