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Lancaster Central School District

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Transportation for Child Care

The Board of Education recognizes that circumstances may require parents to obtain before and/or after school care for children at places other than their residence. To accommodate this need, the district will provide transportation services to children in kindergarten through grade 8. Each child is permitted only one child care location in addition to his/her residence.

Applications for transportation to licensed day care centers will be honored throughout the district, while unlicensed locations are limited to enrollment areas on an existing route. A parent who intends to request transportation for child care under the provisions of this policy must do so in writing by April 1 preceding the school year for which it is being requested. The parent must make any changes to this request in writing by August 1, otherwise any such change will not be in effect when school opens, and no changes will be made to the established care location and the schedule until October 1 at the earliest.

When requesting childcare transportation service, the parent must indicate the pick-up and drop-off point for each day of the week. There will be no deviation from that routine throughout the school year unless the parent processes a change with the district’s transportation department. All changes must be requested in writing and will require a minimum of 45 days to process.

Alternate Transportation Form